Sam Madigan


Sam Madigan is a Chicago-based artist and illustrator from St. Louis, Missouri. They are currently pursuing a BFA in fine art at the University of Illinois at Chicago. They have received a Scholastic Art Gold Key Award and Silver Key Award (2022). They have also had my work shown in the Florissant Valley Student art show (2021 honorable mention, 2022), the St. Louis Artists’ Guild student artist show (2021, 2022), the Lindenwood university student showcase (2021, 3rd place 2022), and the SIUE Edwardsville high school artist showcase (2021, 2022).

Artist's Statement 

I am Sam Madigan, a Chicago-based interdisciplinary artist with a focus on painting and digital art. Much of my work explores the process of re-entering the world after a period of isolation caused by both uncontrollable factors like the COVID pandemic and my own self-isolating behavior. Some pieces emphasize this seclusion, showing both the complete freedom from social expectations and the self-destructive mental deterioration. Other pieces focus on the process of reconnecting with others in a post-COVID world. Overall, my work is intimately linked to my personal experiences, and I frequently use self-portraiture to portray emotions that I am unable to portray in any other way. I also draw digitally, and the thought process and ideas behind these pieces tends to be different from my paintings. My digital pieces focus on character exploration, specifically on finding a way to portray a character’s personality and narrative arc through an illustration. Overall, I hope to continue to portray authentic human experiences through my work. 
