Project 1 - Around the World

What is this Project?

Project 1 is an Augmented Reality project created using the software of Vuforia and Unity. The use of Augmented Reality is to enhance the perception of an existing physical object. In the case of this project, we created virtual designs on top of physical paper cubes, such that when scanned with Augmented Reality, generates a 3D design on top of the cube.

Using Unity's modeling and rendering features, and Vuforia's AR technology, the project aimed for us to create our own 3-D design to scan and render on top of the cubes, the designs being based off of a physical location we had been to before. The cubes present a 3-D render of an area on top of them. Alongside this, the cubes provide additional information about the location given, such as it's weather and the local time. It also plays a sound, related to the location itself.

The original cubes we used as a medium.

The cubes with the AR render on top of them.

My Locations

The two locations I picked for my cubes to represent were the Roden Library and Tsarevets.

Roden Library is a library in Chicago, which was my local neighborhood library as a child. The models and sound I included were:

  • I used blender to create a model of the library itself, alongside the glass plot on the right in the image. It looks a little bit better, as it was a newer model, but still is rather basic.

  • With blender, I also rendered an water fountain to put on the side of the building, as I remember the water fountains that sat at the side of the buildings when I was younger.

  • I imported a tree, as the library has trees in front of it.

  • I imported a bush, to add some life to the little plot of the library model I made.

  • I added a bicycle, to represent the bikes/bike racks sitting by the library.

  • The sound I used was a clock ticking, representative of the quiet and calm feeling of a library.

Meanwhile, Tsarevets is an old fortress in Bulgaria. I am Bulgarian, and frequently visit the country during the summer. It is quite the historic attraction to visit, as it is a huge palace with quite the view both in and around the fortress itself. The models/sounds I included were:

  • Created a shortened version of the front entrance of the fortress. I recreated it in blender, but as one of my first models, I feel it could be improved upon much going forward.

  • I imported a lion statue, similar to the one in the image.

  • I imported a wooden door gate, reminiscent of the gates used in the fortress.

  • I imported a knight, representative of the old era during which this fortress was built.

  • I added a spotlight, also in blender which is used during nights to create a lightshow at the fortress.

  • The sound I included was battle ambience, as the fortress is a historical monument where many significant and bloody battles took place in Bulgarian history.


If you wished to install and setup my project yourself, you would need to install both my Project Files, and the Vuforia Engine. Set up the Project Files first, then the Vuforia files. This also includes setting up Unity.

First, you need to make the physical cubes. You need to print out the pages and then cut, fold, and glue together the physical cubes. You can find and download cubes here.

NOTE: Blender is also a necessary tool to run the models in my project. You can find the download here. All you have to do is make sure it is installed on your computer, with no file moving necessary for it.

Project Files

For my project files, you'll want to download the zip that can be found in my github repository here. Follow the next few steps:

  • Download the code ZIP by clicking on the green code button, then pressing download ZIP.

  • Create a folder for the project files on your computer.

  • Drag and drop the zip from your downloads folder into your new folder.

  • Extract the contents of the


For Vuforia, you'll want to head to their developer website here. Follow the next steps.

  • Register for an account with the Vuforia Developer Studio.

  • Click on Develop, then press get Basic to generate a Vuforia Basic license.

  • Click on the license itself in the menu to open the information of the license.

  • Copy down the License Key provided by Vuforia.

  • Go to Downloads.

  • Select the newest released Version of the Vuforia Engine, and click Add Vuforia Engine to a Unity Project...


  1. Register for an account for Unity, and then Download Unity Hub from here.

2. Open Unity Hub. Press Installs, and click Install Editor.

3. Press Archive, and then visit the download archive.

4. Click on Download LTS Releases, and download the unity hub version of LTS Unity 2021.3.6f1.

5. Once that finishes installing, go back to the Projects section of Unity Hub. Press Open, then select the folder which you put the project files in. This will open the project.

Note: You may get an error here from Unity. However, just press continue and ignore the error for now.

6. Run the add-vuforia-package you installed earlier from Vuforia. Don't change any of the settings on the Import page, and just press Import.

7. At the top right of Unity, press File. Press Open Scene, and then enter the scenes folder and select rpetro6Project1.unity.

8. Click on the AR Camera under the project scene. On the right, click on Open Vuforia Engine Configuration.

9. Copy your app license key from earlier into the App License Key section.

10. Press the Play button (triangle in the middle). Put your cubes clearly up to the camera and that's all!

Assets Used

Part of the project requirements included the use of 3D Models and audio. However, we needed specifically three 3-D Models for to attach each knickknack that had already been created before. We also needed to include an audio file for each, of which I decided to use youtube videos with ambient sounds.

Asset 1
Asset 2

Low Poly Knight by Rakshaan.

Asset 3
Asset 4

Bicycle ^^ by pot4tochip

Asset 5

Tree by DJMaesen.

Asset 6

Low Poly Stylized Bush/Shrub by Natural_Disbuster


  1. Battle | War Ambience | 1 Hour - Michael Ghelfi Studios on YT.

  2. Clock Ticking | Sound Effect - Sounds & SFX on YT.

Thoughts on the Concept

Given the hypothetical future where we have easy access to AR technology, I believe that having these sorts of knickknacks, or a similar medium, would become quite popular. I imagine a potential really good target for AR enhancement would be business cards or QR codes. Typically, these are used as forms of promotion, whereas a card provides information, the code sends you to a website to do something. With AR, that information from the business card could be visualized and expressed much more, whereas with the QR code, you’d still do something very similar, but instead fully visualize the content promoted rather than use a website.

I think it would be of great use in a classroom, especially in something like a picture book and other books. I genuinely believe that the experience for kids could be incredible: Imagine if they could read a picture book and have the pictures literally come to life in front of them, as the AR would generate much more powerful and stimulating imagery. Not to mention, AR in books could potentially liven up the experience of reading much more, even to adults. I think it could provide a second medium on top of the description in the form of a physical appearances/audio. Imagine reading a story about someone sitting in a room while it’s raining outside, when suddenly, the AR renders not only the person sitting in a chair, but emulating the rainfall outside as well, even the sounds itself. It has so much potential to lighten up storytelling in most every kind of format.

The mention of powerful imagery makes me think about its potential as an art form. People tag places or draw graffiti everywhere, but what if they put a code or some sort of thing to scan instead? Rather than limiting themselves to drawing on the wall, it could render some sort of incredible view that takes advantage of the architecture/setting the code is placed in. Not to mention, the usage of AR opens up art creation on a much larger scale, ignoring the material restrictions/space requirements large pieces would necessarily need. Artists could now create huge masterpieces that only require one to scan a small trinket to view properly.

Something else I could see its potential in is visual clarity. Imagine if instead of needing to put physical signs everywhere, you could just do it using AR instead. Gone are the days of having to place a sign to let people know not to walk somewhere, instead, you can just have the AR proactively warn or indicate to users otherwise. Not only that, but it could be useful for those who are constantly forgetting/misplacing things. Imagine if you could walk into your room and have all the important objects be pointed out/labeled, or if you had a lot of very similar objects (such as medications) all be labeled out properly with their information, such that you wouldn’t even need to bother remembering those things. I think AR’s utility and visual prowess make it an excellent step forward into the future.