
 2. Moduli of genus six curves and K-stability, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 11 (2024), 863-900

 3. Moduli spaces of sheaves on general blow-ups of $\mathbb{P}^2$ (arxiv)

 4. Log canonical models for moduli of genus six curves and K-stability (arxiv)

 5. K-moduli of Fano threefolds and genus four curves (joint with Yuchen Liu, arxiv)

 6. K-moduli curves on del Pezzo surfaces vs GIT (joint with Jesus-Martinez-Garcia and Theodoros Stylianos Papazachariou, pdf)

 7. Moduli of singular hypersurfaces and K-stability (pdf)

 8. Degree of irrationality for complete intersections (pdf)

 9. Moduli of properly elliptic surfaces over $\mathbb{P}^1$ (joint with Dori Bejleri, Andres Fernandez Herrero, Josiah Foster, Giovanni Inchiostro, Sveta Makarova, draft)