Northwestern, Notre Dame, UIC Complex Geometry Seminar

First Meeting: Friday November 15, 2019

We are pleased to announce the first meeting of this rotating seminar, which will be held at Northwestern (107 Lunt Hall, 2033 Sheridan Road, Evanston)

All are welcome.

We have some limited support for junior participants who are US citizens or permanent resident from NSF RTG: Analysis on manifolds, DMS 1502632. Please contact the organisers directly about this.

The schedule is:

3.00pm-3.50pm Yang Li (Institute for Advanced Study) Taub-NUT and Ooguri-Vafa: from 2D to 3D

Taub-NUT and Ooguri-Vafa metrics are S^1 invariant Calabi-Yau metrics in complex dimension 2 constructed via the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz. They feature prominently in the complex 2D case of the SYZ conjecture. After reviewing the basics we explain how a number of first principles dictate their construction. This insight enables us to generalize the construction to complex dimension 3, which is expected to be relevant for the SYZ conjecture.

4.10pm-5pm Ronan Conlon (Florida International University) Classification Results for Expanding and Shrinking gradient Kahler-Ricci solitons

A complete Kahler metric g on a Kahler manifold M is a “gradient Kahler-Ricci soliton” if there exists a smooth real-valued function f:M–>R with \nabla f holomorphic such that Ric(g)-Hess(f)+\lambda g=0 for \lambda a real number. I will present some classification results for such manifolds. This is joint work with Alix Deruelle (Université Paris-Sud) and Song Sun (UC Berkeley).