Assigment 2: Essay.

Kaleidoscope: Appearance, Fragment, Ornament, Porosity

The students are invited to further develop the theoretical elaboration on the concepts of fragment - appearance - ornament - porosity started in the Euregional workshop. Each student chooses (at least) one text from the workshop reader, discusses its main argumentation and confronts it with an architectural example (space, building, exterior, city block, ...). Students are strongly encouraged to relate the topic of the essay to their Master's project and thesis. In a concluding paragraph, each student should reflect on the relevance of the findings in relation to the practice of adaptive reuse and/or his/her Master's project and thesis.

Tutors: Bie Plevoets, Christoph Grafe Nadin Augustiniok


Student work by: Mahla Parsaei, Tine Huysmans, Qaiefa Riaz, Vahid Askari Kashan