Euregional workshop


Kaleidoscope – Appearance, Fragment, Ornament, Porosity Euregional workshop on themes of Adaptive re-use and Umbaukultur The Faculty of Architecture of Architecture and Building Engineering at Wuppertal joined forces with three universities in our larger region at Hasselt and Liège and Eindhovenin the organisation of a workshop focusing on adaptive re-use and strategies of Umbaukultur. Unter the title ‘Kaleidoscope’ 75 students studied proposals for the former Küppers Brewery/Weinkontor in Wuppertal. This rather enigmatic building is located at the far end of Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse, the former grand axis of Elberfeld. Built as a brewery in the guise of an oriental fantasy castle, later converted into one of the bestknown wine merchants in the Rhine and Berg region, the remainder of the building now accommodates a music club and offers many music groups around the city, both refuge and a convenient place to produce spirited noises. During the online workshop the participants spent five days of intensive research into the spatial and material possibilities of experiencing, celebrating, and completely rethinking this building. The shared context of our region in the north western core of Europe includes the history of industrialization and of various waves of migration that have had profound effects on its demographic and cultural conditions. Each of the universities has established a particular expertise in the field of adaptive re-use or Umbaukultur, with often similar areas of research ranging from industrial monuments to the future of religious buildings. The workshop is therefore also a laboratory for a strong and sustainable network of exchange and an internationally visible core of excellence in BENELUXNRW.

Participants: UHasselt: Bie Plevoets, Nikolaas Vande Keere, Naveed Iqbal, Hamid Akbar, Nadin Augustiniok, Linde Van den Bosch ULiège: Claudine Houbart, Philippe Sosnowska, Pierre Hallot, Maxime Coq, Negin Eisazadeh, Pierre JouanTU Eindhoven: Ana Luisa Moura, Merijn Muller, Madeline Prickett, Marcel Musch, Daan LammersUni Wuppertal: Christoph Grafe, Daniel Spruth


Images: students TU Eindhoven, Uhasselt, ULiège, BU Wuppertal
A+ 290 with an article on the euregional workshop