Studio Kunduchi

Parallel design studio Hasselt University (BE) – Ardhi University (TZ)


Beautifully located at the Indian Ocean, Kunduchi has everything to go for it: a fishing village, a central green area, an historic hotel, the remains of an ancient Muslim graveyard... and yet, its inhabitants are struggling to make a living.

Students from both universities work simultaneously on innovative eco-tourism to revive the village. Their architectural projects intercept the potentials of the site and transform it into a place of contemporary identity with respect for all facets of its past and future: social, spatial, economic, and environmental.


Marie Frioni
Bioimicry to save the sea

Pavilion for the fishermen of Kunduchi and scientists to combine their knowledge and work together in search of new sustainable solutions to rebalance the fragile sealife.
Keywords: water pavilion, biomimicry, natural building materials, craftmenship, sealife, respect


Laurent Gilissen
Upgrading local and nature life through aquaculture
‘Fisherman & Sons’ is about recreating a nature reserve in synergy with aquaculture activities, at the reef island, bordering the fishermen’s village.
Keywords: nature reserve, aquaculture, mangroves, seaweed, experiencing tides, ecological balance


Noel Gustavi
When going from one place to another becomes an adventure
Water hub and boat gallery as a starting point for exploring the Tanzanian coastline
Keywords: water hub, dhow, dema (sustainable fish trap), cross ventilation, wood, sustainable transport
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The World Ocean covers seven-tenths of the planet’s surface and many societies depend on its health. The decline of fish populations and sea biodiversity occurs all around the world. Kunduchi has a unique mix of social engagement and aquatic knowledge to tackle these problems. My goal is to revive the old aquatic sciences faculty site in Kunduchi to create a place where the people of Kunduchi and scientists can combine their knowledge and work together to search for new sustainable solutions. At same time, this new public building will become a place for awareness for the sea. It will be a place where schools, the fishermen and also tourists from everywhere can come to and learn about the sea in al its glory. Furthermore, the visitors can explore the unique places of Kunduchi and the Tanzanian Coast with locally trained guides.The first step in this process is to create a new landmark to bring the old site back into the spotlight. The main building of Sealab is designed from a biomimic perspective. I Used nature’s toolbox throughout my design. In other words, I researched nature’s processes and adapted them in my design, such as a low-tech evaporative cooling system. The circle shaped building gives a 360 degrees overview over the fantastic environment. On the inside of the circle an almost spiritual place arises where the sea and the sky are the main characters. On top of the building I designed a huge roof. By biomimicing palmlike structures I could create an intelligent roof structure, which really makes the building a landmark in the sea.

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‘Fisherman and Sons’ is about recreating a nature reserve in synergy with aquaculture activities, at the reef island, bordering the fishermen’s village. The nature reserve and aquaculture are mutually beneficial. They mark the natural riches of this area…The restored mangroves protect the coast from further erosion and attract new wildlife. Aquaculture strengthens this positive impact and, at the same time, provides more economic and sustainable resilience to the fishermen and their families. The existing wave breakers will be used as ponds. The shallow zones are perfect for installing seaweed fields, the deep areas serve as fish growing ponds. A series of pavilions facilitate the new activities: a hatchery building, workmen’s space, workshop space, information point, and restaurant. The pavilions blend into the landscape and accentuate surprising views on the nature reserve and its surroundings. In their material and architectural expression they add a new spatial layer to this island. The created nature reserve invites visitors to experience local nature and wildlife, gives them the opportunity to visit the Saadani National Park, to learn about the daily life of the Kunduchi fishermen and about native and contemporary fishing techniques.

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‘Routes and ruins’ adds the experience of adventure and exploration to travelling along the Tanzanian coastline. By creating new paths, linking lively cultures and bringing forgotten histories into a new future, these boat trips over the Indian Ocean are far more than a mode of transportation.Routes and Ruins combines the Kunduchi ruins, the desolated ship and other points of interest in Kunduchi and nearby islands, into an intriguing composition by adding a new water hub and boat gallery.The water hub is a landmark along the Kunduchi beach which, at the same time, expresses an inextricable link with its social and cultural surroundings through materiality and surprising views. The Dema* technique for creating a sense of enclosure and shadow, involves local craftsmanship and reflects on sustainability as a necessity for the conservation of Ocean life and natural riches …Here, waiting for the next boat, gives you time to reflect on our responsibility towards places and people, while enjoying a wonderful view over the Ocean and a momentary conversation with fellow travelers.The boat gallery adds mystery to the composition by involving the abandoned ship as an important element, although it is obviously not of great historic value… thus creating awareness and respect for all present components.*“Dema” is a Swahili word that stands for a traditional bamboo “fish cage trap” which has been long used for fishing. In recent years, following the rise of awareness in marine conservation, this fish trap has become popular in promoting sustainable fishing along most parts of East Africa.

studio Kunduchi voor google site.pptx
studio coordinator Hasselt Universityarch. Peggy Winkels
studio team Ardhi University: dr. Daniel Mbisso, dr. Shubira Kalugila, dr. Swai Ombeni
related research teams: Arck Sustainability Research team, prof. dr. ir. arch. Griet Verbeeck
advisory team: prof. emeritus arch. Han Verschure, prof. Ir. Rob Cuyvers, prof. dr. arch. Els Hannes, arch. Jonas Knaepen, arch. Olivier de Schaetzen, prof. Griet Verbeeck, prof. Ir. Peter Op t Veld, prof. Ir. Robrecht Keersmaekers