We offer 9 different courses in our Business Education department, many of which are transcripted through Gateway Technical College. In fact, up to 22 college credits could be earned through our department. Not planning on attending Gateway, those credits will likely transfer to a four year university without having to pass an expensive test to earn them. This is a quote from a former student that is a business major at the UW:

" I just wanted to send you a quick email and let you know about a couple cool things that I found out after orientation in Madison. Your dual credit classes (Accounting, Intro, Management) all fulfilled 100/300 level basic business requirements in the Business School! The classes were Management 300, Marketing 300, and Accounting 100S. My advisor was blown away that it was possible in high school to come away with that many business core requirements. She told me to let you know that the program you run is unique and definitely pays dividends for your students. Something to share with the next generations for sure."

Transcripted credit courses save you time and money in earning that degree.


Business education prepares students for many phases of their personal and professional lives. We are dedicated to preparing students for a rapidly changing world by expanding student’s knowledge and skills in business and technology.

Through our Business Education courses students will be able to:

  • Make intelligent business/economic decisions as consumers and workers

  • Transition into a college major in a business field

  • Enter the job market upon graduation

  • Obtain employment while attending high school and college

  • Employ ethics in their decision making

  • Understand the business aspects of all careers

  • Develop an entrepreneurial spirit therefore, providing both academic and occupational benefits.

UGHS Course Information