Piauí Meeting on Analysis and PDEs


February 1-3, 2022 | Online

Event Transmission

The event will be streamed through YouTube.

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We invite you to join the Piauí Meeting on Analysis and PDEs – PiMAP in February 1st–3rd. Join us to listen to exciting talks. Keep up with recent research results on Analysis and PDEs, meet old colleagues and make new ones. We welcome all interested public in this entirely online event.

PiMAP is organized by researchers in Analysis/PDE located in the state of Piauí in Brazil. We aim to disseminate the research in mathematics within our state and increase the interaction with interested scientific researchers.

At the PiMAP event you will enjoy:

  • Excellent plenary speakers.

  • Thematic minicourses.

  • Live oral presentations with opportunity to ask questions.

Registration is open until 31th of January.

Registration is required from all conference participants. No fee will be charged, it is entirely free to participate.


Confirmed Speakers

Ademir Pastor


Claudianor Alves

UFCG, Brazil

Didier Pilod

University of Bergen, Norway

Felipe Linares

IMPA, Brazil

Felipe Wallison

UFPB, Brazil

Isaías de jesus

UFPI, Brazil

João Marcos do Ó

UFPB, Brazil

José Lucas

IFCE - Tianguá, Brazil

Juan Limaco

UFF, Brazil

Luciano Cipriano

IFRN, Brazil

Luiz Gustavo Farah

UFMG, Brazil

Márcia Federson

ICMC - USP, Brazil

Marcondes Clark

UFPI, Brazil

Marko Rojas-Medar

University of Taparacá, Chile

Norman Noguera

Universidad de Costa Rica

Olímpio Miyagaki

Ufscar, Brazil

Pedro Ubilla

Universidad de Santiago - USACH, Chile

Wilberclay Melo

UFS, Brazil


Ailton Campos

UFC - Sobral, Brazil

Thiago Esteves

IFPI, Brazil


Piauí, Brazil

Piauí is a state in northeastern Brazil known for its national parks. The Serra da Capivara National Park, in the southeast of the state, has archaeological places with prehistoric cave paintings and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Nearby, the Serra das Confusões National Park has gigantic rock formations and large areas of caatinga (semiarid vegetation), where birds at risk of extinction live. On the coast, the Delta do Parnaíba Environmental Protection Area is the only Delta in the Americas that flows into the open sea. Located on the border between the states of Piauí and Maranhão, it is the 3rd largest in the world. Ideal setting for those who like to combine nature and adventure. Also, there are more than 70 islands full of water features, mangroves, dunes, lakes and wild animals. A rich coastal ecosystem in our state.

Organizing Committee

Andressa Gomes - UFDPar

Cleyton Cunha - UFDPar

Franciane Vieira - UFPI

Gilcenio Sousa-Neto - UFPI

Gleison Santos - UFPI

Haroldo Clark - UFDPar

Isaías P. de Jesus - UFPI

José Francisco de Oliveira - UFPI

Mykael Cardoso - UFPI

Natã Rocha- UESPI

Pitágoras Carvalho - UESPI

Roger P. de Moura - UFPI

Event's Poster