Session Recordings

Navigate through the materials below to watch the sessions and view the supporting materials.

Small Ruminant Nutrition

The Small Ruminant Nutrition Session was held on October 21st, 2020.

Dr. Diwakar Vyas of UF/IFAS discusses the aspects of nutrition for your sheep and goats!

Watched this session? Please take our program survey:

Nutrition Presentation

View the file for the Small Ruminant Nutrition presentation by Dr. Vyas of UF/IFAS Extension.

Looking for more information? Check out:

Small Ruminant Nutrition_October 21_Vyas.pdf

Marketing Dairy & Meat Products

The Marketing Dairy & Meat Products session was held on October 28th, 2020.

Izabella Toledo, UF/IFAS Regional Dairy Specialist, discusses how to best market your small ruminant dairy and meat products.

Watched this session? Please take our program survey:

Marketing Presentation

View this file to see the powerpoint slides presented by Izabella Toledo.

Marketing Goat and Sheep Products.pdf
Custom and Retail Exempt Meat Processing.pdf
How Do I Legally Sell Meat from My Own Livestock (Florida).pdf
Raw-Milk-Sales-Factsheet_Toledo & Harlow.pdf
Custom Extempt Red Meat Slaughter Facilities in Florida.pdf
USDA Inspected Livestock Slaughter Facilities in Florida.pdf

Hoof Trimming

The Hoof Trimming session was held on October 28th, 2020.

Justina Dacey, UF/IFAS Extension Nassau County, discusses what you need to know to properly trim your small ruminants hooves.

Watched this session? Please take our program survey:

Hoof Trimming Presentation

View the powerpoint slides from the Hoof Trimming Presentation with this file.

Hoof Trimming Presentation.pdf

Parasite Prevention

The Parasite Prevention session was held on November 4th, 2020.

Alicia Halbritter, UF/IFAS Extension Baker County, discusses how to prevent internal and external parasites on your small ruminants.

Watched this session? Please take our program survey:

Small Ruminant Parasite Fact Sheet.pdf
Small Ruminant Parasite Prevention Presentation.pdf

Pesticide Recommendations for Florida Livestock

Check out this resource to get specific pesticide drug recommendations to control the pests (internal or external) of your livestock.

Fencing for Small Ruminants

The Fencing for Small Ruminants session was held on November 4th, 2020.

Paulette Tomlinson, UF/IFAS Extension Columbia County, discusses the aspects of fencing that are important for keeping small ruminants in your pasture.

Watched this session? Please take our program survey:

Small ruminant fencing.pdf

Fencing The Farm

UF/IFAS Extension Agents Clay Cooper and Ed Jennings discuss fencing the farm.

For more information on fencing visit here:

Florida Fence and Property Law.pdf
Fence Brace Assembly.pdf

Cool Season Forages

The Cool Season Forages for Small Ruminants session was held on November 18th, 2020.

Cassidy Dossin, UF/IFAS Extension Clay County, discusses which cool season forages are optimal for small ruminants.

Watched this session? Please take our program survey:

Cool Season Forages for Small Ruminants.pdf

Cool Season Forage Slides

Check out this file to see the slides presented during Cassidy Dossin's presentation.

Learn more about cool season forages with this all inclusive website!

Toxic Weed Identification

The Weed Identification session was held on November 18th, 2020.

Luke Harlow, UF/IFAS Extension Union County, and Clay Cooper, UF/IFAS Extension Citrus County, discuss how to identify weeds in your small ruminant pasture.

Watched this session? Please take our program survey:

Toxic Weeds Interactions

This file contains the slide set from agent Clay Cooper and Luke Harlow's presentation concerning toxic weeds.

Small Ruminant Conference - Livestock and Toxic Plant Interactions_ (002).pdf

If you viewed the session live or watched a recording on this proceedings website please complete our program survey and let us know what you learned!