Simulation of red tide and gag grouper from 2002-2021.  The top panel shows interpolated monthly red tide concentrations (cells/L), and the bottom panels is the relative biomass of gag grouper by age.  Warmer colors indicate higher values.

The West Florida Shelf
Fisheries Ecosystem Model

The West Florida Shelf (WFS) ecosystem model is a spatially explicit dynamic food web model designed to assess the effects of fishing and the environment on reef fish and the WFS ecosystem as a whole.  The WFS model was developed using the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) ecosystem modeling software package, and was recently used to provide near-real time estimates of red tide mortality on gag grouper.  That information was then incorporated into the final catch projections recommended by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council.  Read more below.  The model has also been used to evaluate fisheries harvest policies on the WFS, marine  protected areas, and impacts of invasive lionfish.  Reed more below. 


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