A-maize-ing Corn camp


Welcome to the Florida 4-H Adventures Ahhh-Maize-ing Corn Camp! Corn is a very diverse crop that has regular use in our everyday lives, but you may not know as much about it as you might think.

Whole corn, like you eat on the cob, is considered a vegetable. The corn kernel itself (where popcorn comes from) is considered a grain. To be more specific, this form of corn is a “whole” grain.

Join us as we dive deeper into corn: it’s history, use as a fuel, us eating it as a part of our food, livestock eating it as a part of their food, the growth and production of it, and for some good ole Fun.

For this virtual camp, you’ll go page by page, watching the videos, reading the information, and doing activities about corn. Once you’ve completed all of the sessions, please visit our After Resources Page and share some pictures from the activities you’ve done. And of course don’t forget to complete our evaluation to let us know your thoughts!

This camp will be absolutely A-Maize-ing, thank you for choosing to get “corny” with us.







In 4-H, we say a Pledge at the beginning of every meeting.

Try it out with us!

Learn the Pledge

Watch as 4-Hers teach the 4-H Pledge.

Say the Pledge

Join us in saying the 4-H Pledge!