Apply & Serve

Who can volunteer?

If you want to help youth grow to be the leaders of tomorrow, you should apply to be a Florida 4-H volunteer.

All volunteers must be 21 years or older and will go through a Level I screening. Some roles require a Level II background screening that includes finger printing. You'll work with your UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Agent throughout the process to make sure you are properly screened for your role.

All 4-H volunteers will complete the annual UF Youth Protection Training in our online enrollment/training portal - 4honline.

Potential volunteers must apply and be appointed before working with youth.

Volunteer Roles

4-H volunteers can serve in several different roles with a variety of time commitments and responsibilities.

This video and the service role descriptions below will help you decide where you can best serve.

Talk with your UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Agent to find out needs existing in your county 4-H program.