

1) To offer to our postgraduate students an opportunity to widen the scientific horizon, the mathematical culture and to establish scientific skills in order to obtain a better education.

2) Promoting a seminar cycle for researchers and postgraduate students.

3) Contributing to the formation of our postgraduate students.

4) Viabilizing the scientific interchange with other researchers in order to increase our academic production.


For the last almost 20 years, the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics of the State University of Maringá has been promoting the Summer Program. Several participants from Brazil and other countries attended the event and gave their contribution to the development of the research in our postgraduate program. Our development during the years allows us to obtain the permission to start the activities in a doctorate program which started in 2010. Besides the regional demand, our program is very important for young students coming from other Brazilian states such as São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Acre, Ceará, Mato Grosso do Sul, and etc. In addition, the quantity of students from some countries in South America has considerably increased in the last few years. Among the several events promoted by our program, we can highlight: IX ENAMA, XXIII Escola de Álgebra, IV Bienal, Simpósio de Teoria de Lie e Aplicações, IV Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, Encontro de Matemática Aplicada. In all of them, the events have received financial support from some Brazilian foundations of research and development such as CNPq, CAPES and Fundação Araucária as well as financial and staff support from Universidade Estadual de Maringá and its internal sectors.