UELMA Service Awards

Nominate one of your professional colleagues for their dedication, service, innovation and support to school libraries or school librarianship.

Winners of the nominations will be announced at the UELMA Conference in March.

Award Categories

  • Teacher Librarian of the Year (Certified) Applicants must meet state requirements for school library media certification and be currently employed in a media specialist, teacher librarian or equivalent position. They can be working in either a public or private school at a site level.

  • Library Paraprofessional of the Year (Non-Certified, Classified) Honors para professionals working in school libraries as assistants, media clerks or similar titles. Nominees are not certified with the state endorsement of Library Media.

  • Administrator of the Year (Principal or District Level Supervisor) This award honors administrators with direct responsibility for a school or group of schools who have made influential, unique and sustained contributions to effective school library programs.

We look forward to recognizing those library heroes among us. You know who they are!

Deadline is February 20, 2023.

Judging and Criteria

A panel comprised of UELMA board members and the conference board members will judge nominees based on the criteria:

      • Exemplary service to fulfill the needs of students and school community

      • Creativity in programming and use of content

      • Collaboration with teacher peers, staff, and administrators

      • Effective integration of library services with curricula

      • Demonstrated student engagement

      • Exemplary use of technology tools

      • Outreach to parents, families

      • Effective promotion of the library and what it offers

Application Process

Please complete the nomination form no later than February 20, 2023. Click here for tips for writing nominations!