College Search

Begin your college searching with these helpful websites!

College Board's Big Future connects you with a database of more than 3,500 two-year and four-year colleges. Choose from among 800 features to create a profile of your ideal college and get a list of colleges that fit your criteria. This site is a one-stop site that will help you find and organize the schools of your choice.

Which SUNY are you?

Search all 64 schools to find out which SUNY school meets all your needs.

The Princeton Review allows students to search by a college’s name, region, state, size, and cost. The Princeton Review also offers its own rating of hundreds of colleges and SAT and ACT prep-courses. This site also provides advice on applying to colleges, interview tips, admissions secrets, and much more.

US News Education – ( has annual rankings of America’s Best Colleges, tips for getting started, and choosing the right school. There is a step-by-step guide that will help you complete the entire admissions process.