BRIEF BACKGROUND                                                      

The earliest philosophers already inquired basic knowledge that underlies in all the in the world. Yet the common of their answer was the nature of the world where human person is living.


We experience many catastrophes that is caused by nature however, human's can also do somethimg to reduce the nature's destructive force. This focus on how human can contribute to preserve the environment so that mother nature can protect and sustain humans. In studying the human person we should also tackle about how environment can contribute to us and how we interact with the natural environment. "Human beings have always exploited mother nature" and this kind of attitude reffered to as rge anthropocentrism a belief that everything else natter only because it has some kind of utility or instrumentral value for human beings. 


Metaphysical Approach- Focused on kinds of substances or materials and capacities that uniquely make up a human person, It deals with WHAT of a human person.

Existential Approach- Focused on the kind of life, mode of existence that is unique to a human person, It deals with WHO of a human person.


Human: Has biological features Person: Has spirit and body

Unspirited body view: Essential is just his/her body nothing more that is supported by mind

Disembodied spirit view: Essential is just their spirit and nothing more that is supported by soul, mind, and physical and non-physical and believed that soul is independent with their body and immortality of the spirit.

Embodied spirit view: Essential is just unity of their body and spirit that is also supported by the soul which claims that this is the cause of life and mind which is said to be a matter.


The word 'Human person' came from the word "Human" which refers to biological features of species such as homo sapiens and sapiens. While the "Person" is much more complex that generally refers to a human being that has human rights, protection and responsibilities. The Term human being given by Martin Heidegger, the word human person refers to 'Being in the world' that means human person does not exist in the vacuum because there are always a context or situation which they exist. It is being involve/engage in certain things. 

Being-Alongside : It's the person involvement that has character of UTILITY or the things they use as an instrument. Some example's are book, phones, clothe's etc..

Being-With: This are the moments you share with a person and emphatizes with another human being.

Temporality: Also refers to human time, regarding their past, future, and present as the form of unity. Past and future are connected with the present.

Facticity: Is everything about the human person can no longer be change

Existentiality: This are the possibilities that human person has and can choose to have

Falleness: It is known for the human person's present, existence that human person live in the present

The Concept of Transcendence

The another unique characteristic of human person to go beyond their current situation in life. Transcendence means extraordinary or beyond the human experience beyond the normal or physical level, It is the act of rising above to their superior state.

Transcendence of consciousness: It always transcends itself because of always being conscious of the things in outside world. The consciousness is mind's fundamental property that involves the: 

Intentionality: Ability of consciousness to be about itself. There are two types of intentionality the Intentional consciousness which is directed at things outside of itself and Self-consciousness that is directed toward itself.

Freedom: The consciousness of being free with regard to the objects to which it will direct itself. 

Lack of fixed Essence: Which the consciousness is incomplete and always transcending

Take away notes: 

The two fundamental kinds of existence is being-for-itself or our consciousness or its owns activity and purpose in nature and being-in-itself which is our body in different characteristics, genetic makeup, physical attributes, race, nationality or social status in life. We are all human being after all.