Hi! If you are here, you must be wondering who we are or why we are pursuing this strand. So let us help you to convince yourself in the STEM strand,

We are a group of students currently under the STEM strand in the University of the East, and we may say that this strand is not easy (we aren't trying to sugarcoat you), but here we are, currently performing excel qualities in this strand. Yes, we may be some Grade 11 Students in this prestigious university, but we can be your role model in the STEM Strand!

Renz Carlo "Renziee" C. Impuesto

"Citius, Altius, Fortius! (Swifter, Higher, Stronger!)"

Why did you choose STEM?

So personally, I didn't want to land in this strand because of the mathematics subjects here. But because of the guidance of my former school's councilor, teachers, and my parents, I saw the opportunity in the job that I can take for the future years ahead. It also influences the fact that most of my friends are taking STEM.

My Career Vision:

I want to be a Software Engineer or Computer Engineer in the future years because I am interested in computers. My second choice was being a Nurse or a Medicine Technologist or MedTech because I want to take care of patients that have illness in a hospital and my third choice was being a Science Teacher because I want to teach and give my knowledge to the future leaders of the country.

Ralph Ezecquel "Eze" SG. Casuga

"Be the change you want to see in the world. "

Why did you choose STEM?

STEM strand is a flexible strand allowing you to choose many courses to take for college under fields for Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology. 

My Career Vision:

The reason why i chose STEM as my senior high school strand is because i want to pursue or i want to take Medical Technology as my course for college, And if ever god may allow me. I'll continue studying medicine to become a doctor or neurosurgeon someday 

Mohammad Zul Benedict "Ben" B. Pepino

"Walang adobo kung walang suka."

Why did you choose STEM?

I chose STEM because I have a keen interest in science, mathematics, logics, critical thinking and problem solving. It also aligns with my future job which involves strategizing future plans, enriching human to human interaction, and strong charisma which I can train with this strand.

My Career Vision:

The first choice I have is to be an office staff who works with other person that involves scientific research, mathematical equation with supporting technologies involved. Second I want to be a Fireman because my uncle died while a fire started so I promise to myself that I will be a fireman to protect other individuals and may my uncle be the last one who will die on fire.

Ivan "Ivan" A. San Jose

"Studying hard to be your future Engr, MBTC, IMY  "

Why did you choose STEM?

I chose STEM because, initially, it offers the most opportunities aligned with my interests and things I genuinely enjoy doing and could see myself doing in the future, such as science, math, engineering, and the theoretical ponderings that STEM fields engage in. My advice for Grade 10 Students aspiring to pursue STEM is simple: it's not as challenging as some fallacies or sayings may suggest. Struggling is normal in any strand; you just need to work harder to excel and surpass your expectations.

My Career Vision:

I chose STEM as my initial strand because it is aligned with my dream which is to be an Electrical Engineer. 

Kiara Ice "Kiara" R. Mendoza

"Kung kaya niya edi pagawa mo sakanya kaya niya pala ei ;))"

Why did you choose STEM?

I chose STEM because being a stem student is a challenging strand for all students and i love challenges in my life. It gives me more ideas and it taught  me how to become more better and strong person.

My Career Vision:

I've always dream becoming a future doctor or psychologist that’s why i choose stem. 

Juliana Amity "Amity" D. Villanueva

"Embrace challenges, pursue passions, and let resilience be your guide." 

Why did you choose STEM?

I choose STEM because it offers a wide range of in-demand career opportunities and also because I want to enhance my knowledge and skills in Math and Science. 

My Career Vision:

Being a Cardiologist has always been my childhood dream, that's why I chose STEM.

Marielle "Marielle" C. San Jose

"Hindi lang bahay ang bibigyan ko ng kulay, pati na rin buhay mo."

Why did you choose STEM?

I chose STEM mainly because the course that I will be taking in college is related to STEM. Another reason on why I took STEM is because I like challenging myself. It helps me to improve, reflect, overcome my fears, and most importantly, to bring out the best in me.

My Career Vision:

The reason why I took STEM is because I want to become an Architect in the future.