
This page gives information on the Expo. Expo is an event organised at the end of the program. It will showcase all the Projects done by the Students. Students present their projects and share the story of their journey through the Program.

Highlights from the video

1. EMDP gave her the platform to showcase her work and talk in front of the crowd.

2. Her parents observed a change in her activeness on Fridays and inquired. She told them about the new & creative things they have been doing in EMDP on Fridays.3. She wants to become CEO, but she saw it as a big thing considering people like Tata. She realized that she can become CEO and got to know how. 

4. Now she is confident to set up something useful for others (at least a small business) and be a job creator.

5. She also talked about EMDP as an opportunity to perform well for everyone in the class, unlike in regular subjects.  

6. Finally, their classmates are now clear and confident about what they want to choose in future (may or may not be a business)

StdSharing DLExpo.mp4

Student Sharing her experience of EMDP at District level Project Expo.

Project Showcase at State Level Expo 2023-24