Join the Conversation!

Do you ever worry that you might say the wrong thing in a political discussion, or any discussion involving sensitive issues? Do you miss engaging in enlightening conversation with friends and strangers? Dr. Lindsay Hoffman, associate professor in Communication at UD, is conducting research this semester under the program UDelEngage. We are hosting moderated, 75-minute conversations to help you build essential communication skills to speak across differences! Participation is voluntary, and food/beverages will be provided. We will also offer prizes and goodies for participants. Sign up for a session today!

If you have any questions, you can email Lindsay Hoffman at or call 302-831-7771.

Sign up for a Session!

Would you agree that we, as Americans and as part of the UD community are having a hard time talking to people with different perspectives these days? Do you ever struggle to talk with friends or family about politics, religion, free speech, or other contentious issues? Dr. Lindsay Hoffman is working on a large-scale research and service project to help students practice engaging in civil dialogue.

Thanks to our sponsor

The University of Delaware's UDelEngage program was made possible by a grant from the Heterodox Academy.