Program and Schedule

Teacher to Teacher

Teaching, Networking, Sharing,



An annual event at the

Conference on College Composition and Communication

Chicago, IL

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Held in the International Ballroom North on the second floor of the Hilton

Find the breakout rooms you want to attend here: 

2023 Schedule (Tables, Presenters, and Descriptions)

Remember, you must register for the Cs conference in order to present, participate, or attend Teacher-to-Teacher

9:00-9:30AM: The room will be open for presenters to locate their physical table assignment and unpack.

9:30-9:35: Welcome

9:35-9:50: Keynote, Professor Douglas Kern*

9:50-10:00: Bedford Bits: Tiny Teaching Stories 

10:00- 10:40: Round One of Table Presentations 

10:40-10:43: Short Break, presenters relocate tables for Round Two

10:43-11:23: Round Two of Table Presentations 

11:23-11:30AM: Closing


For every Teacher-to-Teacher event, we collaborate with presenters, speakers, and participants to foster rich conversations about impactful praxis across course offerings, student populations, institutional contexts; and through pedagogical strategies, lessons, assignments, assessment practices, and activities. As a particular focus for our 2023 gathering, and continuing the CCCC theme, we are particularly invested in presentations that share the adjustments made to existing classes, assignments, and activities that “do hope” as writing faculty and, as such, invite presentation proposals that in some address or explore any of the following:


 *Douglas Kern, Professor of English of Valencia College, Osceola Campus is the winner of 2023 College Composition and Communication Outstanding Teaching Award in the Sustained Category. Prof. Kern has dedicated the last fifteen years to promoting and advancing both learning-centered and equity-minded practice in higher education. As a previous faculty member at the University of Maryland, College Park, he served as both a teacher and assistant director of UMD's Writing Center. At Valencia, he co-created and co-facilitated a professional development course dedicated to initiating college-wide conversations on linguistic justice and engaging communities in a reexamination of literacy, language diversity, and linguistic anti/racism. Doug also has a keen interest in advancing student agency and faculty/staff connections across disciplines, divisions, and departments.