MOBSTER-2 Virtual Workshop

Welcome to the website of the MOBSTER-2 Virtual Workshop!


Following up on the success of the MOBSTER-1 Virtual Conference, we are happy to announce the MOBSTER-2 Virtual Workshop, which will be held during the week of 8-12 November 2021. While last year's conference contributed to put MOBSTER on the map within the massive star community, this workshop aims to build momentum for ongoing and upcoming projects. Therefore, the scope is restricted to work currently being carried out or planned by collaboration members. It is an opportunity to assess what has been done so far, and determine what the next steps are. As such, we hope that it will be attended by all MOBSTER members!

Important dates:

  • 12 October: Abstract Submission open

  • 25 October: Abstract Submission Deadline

  • 1 November: Full program published

  • 8-12 November: MOBSTER-2 Virtual Workshop