VR Development

Final Video Demonstration


Documented implementation details and assets for Unity and C#


Videos and images depicting project progress and feature examples


Applications for Published Releases


Packages and Assets for Published Releases


An overview of the VR Application development progress

April 20 - April 26

    • (1hr) Created Unity testing project to implement core functionality before integrating with actual maps

    • (3hr) Set up Unity XR Rig using built in XR

    • (2hr) Implemented input handling with controllers

      • (2hr) Added locomotion with joystick movement and teleportation with a parabolic curve

April 27 - May 3

    • (1hr) Refined locomotion and fixed bugs

    • (2hr) Implemented collision detection and simple physics with movement

      • (1hr) Still not completely perfect walking up jagged edges but mostly mitigated

    • (2hr) Implemented grab system and object handling

    • (2hr) Implemented narration system with intractable and animated audio spheres

May 4 - May 10

    • (2hr) Implemented Pointer System

    • (2hr) Implemented Menu System

      • (1hr) Created Menu objects, tight integration with assets

    • (2hr) Implemented Level Loading

    • (1hr) Debugging and Documentation Cleanup

May 11 - May 17

    • (1hr) Revamped Development Roadmap

    • (2hr) Researched and Fixed Lightning Problems

      • (1hr) Created Custom Shaders and Materials

    • (1hr) Started Framework for Guided System

    • (1hr) Ensured Compatibility on Other Platforms

May 18 - May 24

    • (1hr) Created Presentation Assets for Project

    • (5hr) Debugging Various Problems and Code Cleanup

    • (2hr) Implemented Guided System

    • (1hr) Started Framework for Subtitle System

May 25 - May 31

    • (5hr) Debugging and Quality of Life Improvements

    • (2hr) Revamped Input Handlers and Code Cleanup

      • (1hr) Changed Controls and Updated Scheme

    • (2hr) Finished Subtitle System

      • (1hr) Creating Assets for Subtitle System

June 1 - June 7

    • (3hr) Debugging

      • (1hr) Rewrote Guided System

      • (1hr) Code Cleanup

    • (8hr) Recording and Editing Final Video

    • (7hr) Finishing Documentation for Initial Release