Hey there,

My name is Taylor Koshiol and I'm a first-year at UCSD. This apprenticeship is my first time stepping out into the design world, but I've always loved making art and playing around with Photoshop on my own.  

It's been an extremely fulfilling experience and has given me so much new knowledge and confidence. Below are my completed Assignments 1-4 and Final Brand Case Study, as well as some of the processes and ideas for creating each. 

For assignments A2 and A3, you will find linked, revised versions of designs I decided to continue working on based on the feedback I received from the mentors of VDA. 




Final A1: Logo Design

It's a little crowded, but I still think it's pretty clean and I succeeded in keeping the formatting and organization consistent across the design. 

A2: Intro to UI Design -- Pre-Revision

It needs to be cleaned up and rearranged a little to create a clear flow with some simplified text and fewer competing elements, but I love the result nonetheless.

A3: Festival Poster -- Pre-Revision

Final A4: Sticker Design

It got a little tricky trying to shape the text to a roughly-made heart, especially when adding the bleed/cutline. Couldn't have done it without the VDA tutorials.  

Final F1/F2: Brand Identity & Case Study