DSC 40B Lectures

Lecture recordings can be found at podcasts.ucsd.edu or under the "Media Gallery" tab in Canvas.


Lecture 1, What is DSC 40B: Slides

Lecture 2, Time Complexity, Big-Theta: Slides

Lecture 3, Worst/Best-case Time Complexity, Big-O/Big-Omega: Slides

Lecture 4, Average Time Complexity, Linear Search, Matrix Multiplication: Slides

Lecture 5, Binary Search, Recursive Calls, Recurrence Relations: Slides

Lecture 6, Binary Search Cont'd, Sorting, Median: Slides

Lecture 7, Quickselect, Quicksort, Mergesort: Slides

Lecture 8, Binary Trees: Slides

Lecture 9, Binary Trees Cont'd, Hashing: Slides

Lecture 10, Graphs: Basics and Representations: Slides

Lecture 11, Breadth-first-search (BFS) in graphs part I: Slides

Lecture 12, More on BFS: shortest path in (unweighted) graphs: Slides

Lecture 13, Depth-First Search (DFS): Slides

Lecture 14, Shortest Path in Weighted Graphs - Part I: Slides

Lecture 15, Shortest Path in Weighted Graphs - Part II: Slides

Lecture 16, Minimum Spanning Tree, properties, and general greedy algorithms: Slides

Lecture 17: Kruskal’s algorithm for MST, and hierarchical clustering: Slides

Lecture 18: Complexity Theory: