SU23 – WES237B


While we do not anticipate any major changes, we note that the details in this syllabus may change (e.g. schedule, grading policy, assignments, etc.). We will update this syllabus in the event of changes as the course progresses.


Saturday, July 8 – First Class

Saturday, July 22Second Class

Saturday, August 5Third Class

Saturday, August 19 – Fourth Class

Saturday, September 2Fifth & Final Class

Course Logistics

Pat Pannuto is the instructor and their office is CSE 3202 (right in the corner). Their email is; please remember to include WES237B in the subject line for class issues.

What should you call me?

For folks in the MAS program, "Pat" is fine. I also respond to Professor, Professor Pannuto, Dr. Pannuto, “Prof[essor] P.”, etc.

What should I call you?

I should call you by your preferred name, with the correct pronunciation and any honorific or pronouns you choose. Please correct me (in the chat if there is one, out loud in class or in Zoom, or via email/chat after the fact – however you are most comfortable) if I make a mistake.


    Chris Crutchfield -

Office Hours

Office Hours will be hybrid.

During the week, OH will be Tue 7pm-8pm and Sat 10am-12pm.


Please use the course slack channel for any quick concerns. You're welcome to use it as a social channel as well, e.g. to organize groups and meetups, etc.


Late Policy

Within one week of original deadline: 10% penalty.

Within two weeks of original deadline: 30% penalty.

Submissions are not accepted more than two weeks past the original deadline. (For exceptional situations, please email Pat, and we'll work something out.)


Attendance is required for this course. We also recognize that life happens, and we will work with you if you need to miss a class.

No-show (without notice); late: -5% / occurance. (Need to explicitly get permission each occasion; preferably in advance, but we know life happens.)