
Conferences & Summer Schools

SALT (Semantics and Linguistic Theory)

Amsterdam Colloquium

SuB (Sinn und Bedeutung)

CUSP (California Universities Semantics and Pragmatics)

CAMP (California Meeting on Psycholinguistics)

ESSLLI (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information)

NASSLLI (North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information)

Linguist List (an academic service run by linguistics students and faculty with info about jobs, conferences, events, etc.)

Ling Alert (conference deadlines in generative linguistics)

Journals & Archives

Semantics Archive (open access paper archive)

Linguistics and Philosophy (journal)

Semantics and Pragmatics (open access journal)

Natural Language Semantics (journal)

Journal of Semantics (journal)

Semantic Fieldwork Methods (new open access journal)