

"In my 6 years at UCSD, Prof. Rao has been one of the most supportive, collaborative, and encouraging faculty members I have countered. I feel fortunate to have learned from Prof. Rao, not only in research, but also in the art of working effectively with colleagues and mentoring students."

"It was a pleasure to work with Dr. Bhaskar Roa back in the '90s and the fond memories have lasted. "

"We have been colleagues for 30 years, and I always remember his good nature and laughter. He also impresses me as a good citizen in the department."

"Prof. Rao is someone who called me “Doctor” for the first time after my Ph.D. defense. This is after I had a few other memorable “first” things with Prof. Rao that significantly helped my growth at UCSD. Thanks Prof. Rao, I learned a lot from you and I miss your rigor, gentleness, and laughter." 


As a young ECE undergrad, I was struggling through my classes until I joined Dr. Rao's digital signal processing class. It all became clear after this! From that moment on, I was in love with EE, as I had a dream to be part of the wireless communication community. I credit this class with connecting all the dots of what I had learned up to that point and helping me to relate it to real world applications. I became an engineer at Nokia during the height of CDMA and have enjoyed a wonderful career that stemmed from there. Many thanks for Dr. Rao and best wishes! 

"I am grateful to have you as my advisor. Whenever thinking of the days working under your guidance, I always feel more motivated, knowing that there are still so much to learn and keep myself moving forward."

"Thank you for your service as a researcher and educator! I enjoyed the ECE 161 series very much."

"Bhaskar Rao guru is a huge inspiration and a very warm human being. We are fortunate to be among his kin :) Wishing you the best Bhaskar rao garu. I'm sure your students will miss you and you will miss them alike! "