Workshop Schedule

Please find below the workshop schedule for the 2nd TwinBrain MoBI workshop from June 5-7.

We kindly ask all participants to bring their own laptop with the following software and toolboxes installed:

  • MATLAB version R2020a or higher

  • EEGLAB version v2022.0

You will find all data and scripts that are used during the workshop here (passwords will be sent out soon) and an invitation link to our MoBI Workshop Discord Channel here. You will also find extensive information on the BeMoBIL pipeline here.

Please download all the data beforehand so that we can start working on the data when the workshop starts on Sunday.

WiFi information


Open a web browser, enter your email address and accept the terms. Please wait up to two minutes for your network to activate.

Sunday, June 5

    • 11:30 am Registration Opens


    • 1 PM - 4:00 PM Introduction to the lab streaming layer (LSL) (Fiorenzo Artoni)

Coffee / Tea Break

    • 5 PM - 6 PM Sponsor Hardware Demonstration Workshop I (MBrainTrain)

Free Dinner Outside

Monday, June 6

    • 9 AM - 10 AM Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) for MoBI (Sein Jeung)

    • 10 AM - 11 AM BeMoBIL Pipeline - preprocessing EEG (Marius Klug)

    • 11 AM - 12 PM BeMoBIL Pipeline - AMICA (Marius Klug)


    • 1 PM - 2 PM BeMoBIL Pipeline - AMICA (Marius Klug)

    • 2 PM - 3:30 PM Independent Component Interpretation (Klaus Gramann & Anna Wunderlich)

Coffee / Tea Break

    • 4 PM - 4:30 PM Demonstration of Phantom Head and Dual Layer Electrodes (Erika Pliner, Chang Liu, Amanda Studnicki)

    • 5 PM - 6 PM Sponsor Hardware Demonstration Workshop II (WearableSensing)

Free Dinner Outside

Tuesday, June 7

    • 9 AM - 10:30 AM Event creation from EEG data (Anna Wunderlich)

    • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Clustering Independent Components (Marius Klug)


    • 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Biomechanics of Gait (Uroš Marušič)

Coffee / Tea Break

    • 3 PM - 5 PM EEG-Gait Analysis (Martin Seeber)

    • 5 PM - 6 PM Sponsor Hardware Demonstration Workshop III (Mentalab)

    • 6 PM - open MoBI Conference reception