Former Councils

2022-2023 Council

Chair: Adu Vengal

Vice-Chair: Max Johnson

Communications Director: Scotty Tilton

Finance Director: Abhik Pal

Task Forces and Committees

Events Committee: Jasmine Browne (Co-Chair), Nate Conlon, and Scotty Tilton (Co-Chair)

Mentorship Committee: Nick Karris and Teresa Rexin

Survey Committee: Nick Karris, Sawyer Robertson, and Scotty Tilton

Qualifying Exam Task Force: Nick Karris and JJ Garzella

Discord Task Force: Scotty Tilton and Emily Zhu

Boot Camp Task Force: Tanny Libman and Greg Patchell

Tea Task Force: Justine Dell and Itai Maimon

Notes: Tanny Libman was the elected Chair of MGSC and stepped down from his position. 

In a special election among voting members, Adu Vengal stepped down from his position as Vice Chair and was elected to Chair.

In a subsequent special election among voting members, Max Johnson was elected to Vice Chair.

There were two revisions to the constitution this year:

The first revision replaced every instance of "UCSD" with "UC San Diego." 

The second revision allowed for the "Week 7" meeting to be held in Week 9 during the spring quarter since this quarter is historically filled with more departmental activities than other quarters.

2021-2022 Council

Chair: Vaki Nikitopoulos

Vice-Chair: Cameron Cinel

Communications Director: Sawyer Robertson

Finance Director: Tanny Libman

Task Forces and Committees

Events Committee Co-Chairs: Scotty Tilton and Weiwei Wu

Mentorship Committee: Abhik Pal (Chair) and Bryan Hu

Survey Committee: Vaki Nikitopoulos, Emily Zhu, and Scotty Tilton

First-Year Boot Camp Task Force: Sawyer Robertson, Tanny Libman, Greg Patchell, 

Sam Spiro, Andres Rodriguez-Rey, and Jason O'Neill

Incoming First-Year Task Force: Sawyer Robertson, JJ Garzella, and Sam Spiro

2020-2021 Council

Chair: Vaki Nikitopoulos

Vice-Chair: Emily Zhu

Communications Director: Cameron Cinel

2019-2020 Council

Chair: Samir Canning

Vice-Chair: Vaki Nikitopoulos

Communications Director: Ryan Schneider

2018-2019 Council

Co-Chairs and Co-Founders: Samir Canning and Renee Mirka

Vice-Chair: Jason O'Neill

Communications Director: Ryan Schneider