Research / CV

CV, which I need badly to update.

My thesis proposal, with a sample chapter on Ket word formation.


Polyfunctional Argument Markers in Ket: Implicative Structure within the Word (2023), Morphology.

Syllable Contact and Emergent Lenition in Bashkir, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic 4. 14-28. 2019

Conference Presentations

Polifunktsional'nost' v ketskom glagole: posledstvija dlja teorii morfologicheskoj slozhnosti [Polyfunctionality in the Ket verb: consequences for a theory of morphological complexity], 29th Dulzons Readings International Conference [conference on Native Siberian linguistics and anthropology]. Tomsk, Russian, September 17-18, 2021. [online]

Polyfunctional Argument Markers in Ket: Implicative Structure within the Word, 5th American International Morphology Meeting. August 26-29, 2021. Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University. [online]

Polyfunctionality in Ket Argument Marking; talk at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica EuropaeaAugust  26– September 1, 2020. [virtual]

Syllable Contact and Emergent Lenition in Bashkir; paper presented at the 4th workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic (TU+), New York University Linguistics, February 16-17, 2019.