Asynchronous Sessions

Breaking the Ice: Using the Cephalonian Method to Create Inclusive Learning

Many educators’ goal is to create an inclusive atmosphere of inquiry that provides an avenue for all voices. This session presents the Cephalonian Method as an active learning technique that can help educators and presenters create learning experiences that are inclusive, stimulating, and engaging.

Join us for an asynchronous discussion to learn about the Cephalonian Method, how it was used to discuss scholarship as a form of communication and information privilege, and review the student experience with this active learning technique.

Crystal Goldman, General Instruction Coordinator Librarian, UC San Diego

Amanda Roth, Instructional Technologies Librarian, UC San Diego

Amanda Solomon Amorao, Dimensions of Culture Program Director, UC San Diego

Our asynchronous presentation will be hosted here.


  • Breaking borders between disciplines

Stigma in Basic Needs

Obstacles to achieving basic needs impact a large portion of UCSD students. This presentations seeks to address these stigmas, provide solutions, and educate the community on the resources UCSD offers. Tackling food insecurity, housing insecurity, and achieving financial wellness are central to this mission.

Bella Lalanne, 3rd year, Basic Needs Peer Educator

Abby Rollison, 4th year, Basic Needs Peer Educator

Marissa Islas, 4th year, Basic Needs Peer Educator



  • Justice across differences

  • Communal care