Poster Sessions

Please find the poster title and breakout room number for each of our poster session presenters below.

Poster Session 1

Zoom link:

Deisy Martinez

Title: Infants Understanding of Ownership Rights

Breakout Room #1

Doreen Hsu and Vanessa Nguyen

Title: Modern Loneliness: Mental Health, Asian American and Mixed-Race Identities

Breakout Room #2

Jubilee Shroff

Title: From Music to Animacy: Causal Reasoning Links Animate Agents with Musical Sounds

Breakout Room #3

Howard Phang

Title: Mitochondrial Therapeutics and Aging: Development of a New Drug Discovery Platform

Breakout Room #4

Emma Zelus (Alperin Lab)

Title: Changing women's lives by uncovering the complexities of female pelvic floor

Breakout Room #5

Jonathan Guiang

Titles: Testing the Standard Model at the LHC/Pioneering Cyberinfrastructure at the Exascale

Breakout Room #6

Shuang Wu

Title: Self-control signals and affords powe

Breakout Room #7

Li Ling

Title: Exploration of the mechanisms by which stress triggers neurotransmitter switching that regulates fear generalization

Breakout Room #8

Weihao Cao

Title: Suspended graphene mechanical resonator in MHz frequency range

Breakout Room #9

Chen Wu

Title: Microwave impedance microscopy response at the edge of quantum anomalous Hall insulators

Breakout Room #10

Masaki Nakanishi

Title: Neuroscience Research and Brain-Computer Interfaces in Real-world Environments

Breakout Room #11

Manjia Zhao

Title: Transmembrane receptor Notch3 in the transition of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells from a contractile to a proliferative phenotype

Breakout Room #12

Michael Fitzgerald

Title: Temporal Endotype Characterization and Drug Screening in Alzheimer's Diseased Cerebral Organoids

Breakout Room #13

Nelly El-Sakkary

Title: Gene Expression Profiling in a Flatworm Parasite

Breakout Room #14

Poster Session 2

Zoom link:

Leila Latham

Title: Seeking Social Information from Objects

Breakout Room #1

Joanna Jain

Title: From Music to Animacy: Causal Reasoning Links Animate Agents with Musical Sounds

Breakout Room #2

Arianna Garvin

Title: Exploring Past Human Resilience to El Niño Southern Oscillation Events at the Site of Puerto Malabrigo, Chicama Valley, Peru

Breakout Room #3

Mahta Movasat

Title: Mudflows Triggering Mechanism in Wildfire Burned Hillslopes

Breakout Room #4

Vicky Chen

Title: Translation elongation and its effect on the localization of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial mRNAs

Breakout Room #5

Eric Chung

Title: S100A9-Targeted Virus Nanoparticles Prevent Lung Metastasis of Breast Cancer and Melanoma

Breakout Room #6

Ethan Ashley

Title: SHARP RNA Recognition Motifs and their Interactions with the XIST lncRNA.

Breakout Room #7

Hans Ng

Title: Modeling cell surface mucin dynamics through dynamic glycocalyx photoengineering

Breakout Room #8

Wenpei Ma

Title: Experimental Investigation of Mixing Hydrophobic Sand, Water, and Air for Simulation of Post-Wildfire Mudflow Conditions

Breakout Room #9

Emma Zelus (Christman Lab)

Title: Using Novel Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Breakout Room #10

Uli Sun

Title: Caenorhabditis elegans Motility Assay for Anti-Parasitic Drug Activity

Breakout Room #11