Eva Loeser

My name is Eva Loeser, and I am a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in the Department of Statistics & Operations Research Department, working under Amarjit Budhiraja.

Previously, I was a PhD student at UCSD working under Professor Ruth J Williams. My research interest is Stochastic Processing Networks, an exciting and applicable subfield of probability.  I am currently working on understanding networks with a random order of service protocol.

Outside of research, I am passionate about teaching, mentoring, and supporting women in mathematics. I spearheaded the effort to re-start UCSD's chapter of Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), and served a full 2-year term as President of the chapter during the second and third years of my PhD. During my second year as President, our chapter received the AWM Student Chapter Award in Professional Development from the national AWM organization. I also received our departmental TA award that year for my teaching performance. This past summer, I was a Summer Graduate Teaching Scholar at UCSD. In the 2021-2022 school year, I received our Graduate and Professional Student Association's Community Award in Peer Mentorship.

Contact Information: eloeser17@gmail.com

Fun Stuff: My hobbies include surfing and other outdoor activities, along with baking and home fermentation. Here are some photos from recent trips and baking experiments.