
Week 2: Proposal

vis160a Project Proposal
vis160a presentation

Week 5: Midterm


My project is an animatronic man performing Filipino Martial Arts strikes with a baston (wooden stick). He will have a robotic arm made of 4 servo motors and legs that move back and forth as two stepper motors pull them. 

So far, I have the robotic arm assembled. The motors, board/driver, and battery pack are held in place by metal armature attached to a wooden post. For the legs I have the skeleton made out of metal armature and strings to pull the legs forward and backward. However I have not added the motor yet. 

In one video you'll see each of the motors moving one at a time in a lot of directions but that is only for demonstration purposes to show range of motion and function. The code is still being modified. In another video you'll see me explain how the motor is supposed to move the metal legs and move them manually. The rest of the folder is close up photos of the arm and its motors. In class I will perform these strikes myself.

The final product will be more sleek and sturdy; Instead of a cardboard base it will be a heavier material like wood and the wooden post will be a clear plastic.

Week 9: Completed Skeleton


For Week 9 I've assembled the functional skeleton with working arm and leg mechanisms. As well as an idea of what the clothing might look like. I've changed some conceptual aspects so I might leave the animatronic bare and exposed besides a head wearing a hat and hands and feet. 

In this video you will see the animatronic perform the first strike in a loop for video demonstration purposes. The way I've constructed the legs makes them move kind of wildly. I also have to decide if this works with the concept or needs to be corrected.

Week 10: Coding Improvements--Push Button


This week I've added a push button so that the animatronic moves only when desired. In this video you will see me press the button that activates my animatronic's movements. The animatronic will cycle through the choreography once and then only begin again when that button is pressed. I've also added a few more movements.

Week 1? Spring Quarter: The (Arduino) Ribcage and Power

Concept sketches of final product

I 3D modeled and printed something to hold the boards and battery packs and outfitted it with a ON/OFF switch and button. It was important that I had something to keep the electronics organized and secured but visible and with proper ventilation.

 I started thinking about how to conserve battery power and came up with the idea of a switch to power on the animatronic.

My succesful foray into 3D printing has caused me to want to utilize it for the rest of my project and even sculpting the head. I think the advantage of 3D printing over sculpting is a more sleek and sci-fi look that better suits the aesthetic of exposed technology.


Layout diagram of installation/performance in gallery




Button for Movement

Power Switch

I fried the bootloader on my original board, and just completely fried another board someone gave to me while trying to power it through the Vin. I need to diagnose what went wrong. It could possibly be that the knockoff board's voltage regulator isn't up to par so. Apparently that's common with knockoffs.

Week 5: Midterm

I've completed all physical/visual aspects of the animatronic. I designed and 3D printed parts that will hold the servo motor or servo motor attachments. I also designed a ball and socket that would allow the knees to bend. I 3D sculpted and printed the feet and sculpted with polymer clay for the hands and head. I've found some quality flaws with both methods, but I'd like to resculpt the head for better quality and a larger size.

Week 9: Final Product


Full Performance (Creator and Robot)


Robot performing Full choreography SOLO

Handwritten Choreography Plan

Choreography Explanation

Choreography Explanation


Snippet of the Fast Sparring portion


Text document of Arduino code

Week 10: No more wonky legs!

I 3D printed a new Knee joint that would keep the feet straight and forward facing while still allowing the knees to "bend." I am also editing my script/choreography to provide more context about Filipino Martial Arts and to also develop the story between me, The Creator (my character/alter ego), and the Robot.