ECE Makerspace Training


Students planning to use the ECE Makerspace must: 

To have access to the lab, please complete the "General Lab Access" section below and take the quiz with a 100% score.

For the individual tools/machines, please complete the "Tools & Equipment Access" section to learn how to use them. 

Once you are ready, take the corresponding quiz at the bottom of each section. You must score 100% on the quizzes as well. All students must complete the General Lab Access training documents BEFORE reviewing laser cutting, 3D printing, or soldering.

NOTE: If you are identified using the lab or equipment without having completed the training, it will be grounds for immediate and permanent expulsion.

General Lab Access

Read the document and take the accompanying quiz

Student Rules v2 - PDF.pdf

Tools & Equipment Access

Complete each sections and take the accompanying quiz to be authorized for it


3D Printing

Laser Cutting

Lab Hours

The Maker area will still be open during class times


Please ask them for any help you need!

Current Staff: Christina, June, Jesse, Kendrick, Victoria

Thanks to all of our alumni: Alexis, Ari, Avak, Brittany, Cai, Cindy, Connor, Eric, George, Jasmine, Justine, Liezl, Patrick 

Software Resources