
Click here if you're asking me to write you a letter of recommendation →

[Shamelessly stolen adapted from Will Styler's Letter of Recommendation Guide.]

I can only confidently agree to write a letter of recommendation for you if I feel like I can give a strong, specific, and meaningful positive recommendation which is likely to help your application. As a result, I’m not able to write for everybody who asks, and whether or not I’m willing to write for you depends on the answer to four big questions:

Of course, you’re always welcome to ask, particularly if you think you meet these criteria or if you think there’s some other extenuating circumstance that makes me still make sense.

How to ask for a letter of recommendation

If you think I’d be a great choice to write for you, given the above criteria, please send me an email containing…

You’re also welcome to drop by my student hours to talk with me then about your application.

Once I get that information, I’ll take a look and let you know what I think. If I’m willing to write the letter, I’ll need a bit more information!

Information I’ll need to write for you

In order to do my job well and give you the most effective recommendation(s), there’s some information I’m going to need from you. Knowing the below is useful for me, and being able to clearly answer these questions will help you in planning your applications as well.

You’ll need to send the answers to the below questions, for each of the programs you’re applying to, at least a month before the first letters are due! I’ll always do my best to advocate for you, but the simple fact is that my best will be better with more time to prepare!

UCSD Letter of Recommendation Release Form

First, you must complete and email me this UCSD Letter of Recommendation Release Form. Make sure to email this form to me along with your other documents.

General information about you

To start, I’ll need the following kinds of details about you.

Also make sure to include:

Please include all application materials as PDF or Plaintext or Google Docs, rather than Word Documents.

Program-Specific Information

For each school or program individually, ordered by due-date, I’ll want to know the answers to the following questions:

Also be sure to include:

My PhD advisees

5th-year PhD student

PhD, 2022

(co-advised with Tim Gentner)

Dissertation: Contrast, Neutralization, and Systems of Invariance

Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.

PhD, 2020

Dissertation: Conspiratorial exceptionality: A case study of Mushunguli

Current position: Computational linguist, Amazon Web Services

PhD, 2021

(co-advised with Leon Bergen)

Dissertation: Functional pressures and linguistic typology

Current position: Postdoc, University of Surrey.

PhD, 2015

(co-advised with Gaby Caballero)

Dissertation: Ixpantepec Mixtec Word Prosody

Current position: NLP engineer, Cisco Systems

PhD, 2012

(co-advised with Roger Levy)

Dissertation: Inductive Inference in Non-Native Speech Processing and Learning

Current position: VP of Learning & Curriculum, Duolingo

PhD, 2009

Dissertation: The Acquisition of Ungrammaticality: Learning a Subset in L2 Phonotactics

Current position: Associate Professor of Instruction, Linguistics & TESOL, University of Texas, Arlington