DSC 206

Algorithms for Data Science 

Tue / Thu: 8am -- 9:20am, FAH 1101 

 Welcome to DSC 206 in Winter 2024



Prof. Yusu Wang (Office: HDSI 446) 

email: yusuwang@ucsd.edu



The lecture slides will also be posted below, as well as in Canvas. 

Topic 1: Dimensionality Reduction 

Topic 2: Clustering

Topic 3: Finding Similar Items

Topic 4: Data Streaming

Topic 5: Supervised learning and online learning

Topic 6: Optimization


Getting Started:

To get started in DSC 206, you'll need to set up accounts on a couple of websites.


We'll be using Campuswire as our course message board. Campuswire is like Piazza, but unlike Piazza, Campuswire does not sell student data to third parties. You should have received an invitation via email, but if not you should get in touch with a course staff member as soon as possible, as we'll be making all course announcements via Campuswire.

If you have a question about anything to do with the course — if you're stuck on a homework problem, want clarification on the logistics, or just have a general question about data science — you can make a post on Campuswire. We only ask that if your question includes some or all of an answer, please make your post private so that others cannot see it. You can also post anonymously if you would prefer.

Course staff will regularly check Campuswire and try to answer any questions that you have. You're also encouraged to answer a question asked by another student if you feel that you know the answer.


We'll be using Gradescope for homework submission and grading. Most of the assignments will be a mixture of math and coding, and the coding parts are usually autograded via Gradescope., You should have received an email invitation for Gradescope, but if not please let us know as soon as possible (preferably via Campuswire).


For those of you who prefer it, lecture notes and homework will also be available in course Canvas. 

Course Materials

No materials are required for this course; we'll uselectures as the main resource. That said, here are some books that you might find useful.

Course Syllabus

You can download the syllabus here.

Office Hours:

Prof. Wang's Office Hour is Tuesdays 9:30am -- 10:30am PDT in HDSI 446.   

Yashi Shukla's Office Hour is  Monday 12pm - 1pm PDT on  Zoom

Jesse He's Office Hour is Thursday 3pm - 4pm PDT in HDSI 432

Libin Zhu's Office Hour is Wednesday 4pm - 5pm PDT in HSDI 343


There will be two exams. 


You are not allowed to use LLMs (e.g., chatGPT) to help with your homework. You are allowed to discuss with your classmates. However, it is important that you have to write your solutions independently

Slip Days: Each student has 2 slip days for the entire quarter. Each slip day allows you to submit your homework 24 Hours later than the deadline. There are no other exceptions than the Slip Days. 


The final grading will be done based on  the following breakdown of contribution. 
