Course Expectations

Course Expectations

Reading quiz (Canvas, 5%)

      • Due 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays (30min before the class starts)

      • 3 attempts, the highest score is taken

Lecture attendance (this sheet, 10%)

  • TAs will check your attendance every Tu/Thu lectures.

  • You can miss 3 lectures without penalty.

  • You can check your attendance every class on the sheet shared above .

Lab activity (Google Form, 10%)

  • Labs every week includes a set of questions that are more difficult and more relevant to assignments.

  • You need to complete it with your team by default, and you are expected to complete it every week (except for Week1), by Wednesdays midnight.

  • Credits are given based on completeness. You do not need to be present during the labs on Wednesdays but you will have TAs answering to your questions to make sure you complete the activity for the day.

Peer review (Google Form, 5%)

      • In week 5 and 10 4, 7, and 10, you will assess your teammates' contribution in class and labs.

Weekly assignments (Gradescope, 45%)

      • There are 9 weekly assignments. They are due Tuesdays midnight.

      • You can submit 4 assignments late up to 24 hours after the deadline. Any further late submission will receive 0pt.

Final project (25%) - individual

      • You need to choose your own dataset and visually-analyze it. The project requires you to submit a proposal and a written report.

Piazza activity (Star Point)

  • For those who significantly contribute in responding to Piazza posts will be considered to bump up their letter grades, if their calculated final grades sit around the borderline between two letter grades.