Data | Optimization | Graphs | Signal Processing | Optimal Transport
The DOGSPOT Seminar is a weekly meeting of graduate students who are working with advisor Alex Cloninger. The format of the seminar is a mix of working research talks and guest talks, to the latter of which any member of the UCSD Mathematics Department is invited.
In Fall 2024, the seminar is organized by Sawyer Robertson. We are meeting Fridays 11am-12pm in AP&M 5829.
Fall 2024 Schedule
9/27: Organizing Meeting
10/4: Alex - Open questions, local PCA, OT on graphs weird problem
10/11: Dhruv - Open problems with matrix analysis and graphs
10/18: Jake - Time series stuff
10/25: Talk cancelled
11/1: Yiming - Candidacy advancement practice talk
11/8: Nick - Candidacy advancement practice talk
11/15: Maybe not meeting
11/22: Sawyer - Paper on cuts
12/6: Rob - Guest lecture
Spring 2024 Schedule
4/5: Organizing Meeting
4/12: Alex Cloninger
Mechanism of feature learning in deep fully connected networks and kernel machines that recursively learn features
*4/18 @ 11:30AM - Keaton Hamm MINDS Seminar Talk
4/19: No talk
4/26: No Talk
5/3: Sawyer Robertson
All You Need is Resistance: On the Equivalence of Effective Resistance and Certain Optimal Transport Problems on Graphs
*5/9: Xiuyuan Cheng - Virtual MINDS Seminar Talk
5/10: Nick Karris
Diffusion models
Methods for linearized OT for time series
5/17: Dhruv Kohli
Proofs from:
Mechanism of feature learning in deep fully connected networks and kernel machines that recursively learn features
5/24: Varun Khurana
Practice defense talk
Learning with Measure-Valued Data
5/31: Yiming Zhang
Flow matching for generative models
*Separate seminar, special talks
Winter 2024 Schedule
1/12: Organizing meeting
1/19: Sawyer Robertson Clustering on Graphs via Ricci Curvature
Ollivier-Ricci Curvature, Clustering, and 1-Wasserstein distance
1/26: Talk Cancelled due to travel
2/2: Varun Khurana - A Neural Network 2-Sample Test
2/9: Caroline Moosmueller via Zoom - Iterative slicing-and-matching schemes for measure transport
Transporting and estimating probability measures are fundamental tasks in various generative modeling methods like normalizing flows. An equally crucial aspect is having a suitable metric to gauge model performance and guide algorithm design, particularly for scalability. The focus of this talk lies on an iterative slicing-and-matching scheme for effective measure transport, initially introduced to transfer color statistics of images. We establish connections with a gradient descent scheme using the sliced-Wasserstein distance as loss function, which offers computationally efficient closed-form solutions, especially beneficial in high-dimensional scenarios. We will also discuss a convergence proof of this iterative scheme, justifying its use in data science applications. This talk is based on joint work with Shiying Li.
2/16: Nick Karris - Time Series on the Wasserstein Manifold
Describe an Euler-like scheme for projecting forward the evolution of measures on Wasserstein space, and hopefully talk a bit about the curvature of the Wasserstein manifold
2/23: Working/Social lunch
3/1: Dhruv Kohli - Analysis of Doubly Stochastic Scaling of Heat Kernel on Manifolds with Boundary
We’ll examine the results in [1] that describe the doubly stochastic scaling factors of the heat kernel on closed manifolds. Subsequently, we’ll utilize the asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel on manifolds with boundaries, as presented in [2], to characterize the scaling factors in this scenario.
[1] Landa, B., & Cheng, X. (2023). Robust inference of manifold density and geometry by doubly stochastic scaling. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 5(3), 589-614.
[2] Vaughn, R., Berry, T., & Antil, H. (2019). Diffusion maps for embedded manifolds with boundary with applications to pdes. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.01391.
3/8: Yiming Zhang - Domain Adaptation and Optimal Transport - **LOCATED IN AP&M 2402** due to grad open house