Original Jacobs/OEC Outreach Message

From: Rachel Hassett <rhassett@ucsd.edu>

Date: Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 1:01 PM

Subject: OEC IT Outreach - Cybersecurity and Request for Feedback


This message is being sent out to all Ladder and Teaching Faculty in the Jacobs School of Engineering.

Dear Faculty,

My name is Rachel Hassett, and I was recently appointed as the CTO and Director of the Office of Engineering Computing (OEC), which provides IT Support for the Jacobs School of Engineering. I have worked with many of you before, and I have enjoyed working here over the last 13 years in support of this School!

The reason I’m reaching out today is two-fold:

I am open to hearing feedback from you anytime as well - so please feel free to contact me directly at rhassett@ucsd.edu.

A few additional notes:

Thank you for your time, and have a great week!
