Meet the Students


 We sent an anonymous survey to all 71 graduate students in our program to get to know them better. Twenty-nine students i.e. ~41% responded, representing each cohort with an emphasis on 2nd and 3rd year students. 

To learn even more about us, come meet us at Graduate Student Open Office Hours or chat with us on Discord! Note that if you need anything from faculty/administrators, please contact them directly and not through Discord.


Many of us currently have or want pets. Meet some of our four-legged friends!

Most of us have more than one hobby that we like to pursue actively outside of research. We like reading books, exercising, hiking and enjoying many ocean-related activities.  

What did we do before becoming a PhD student here? 

What would we like to do ideally after earning our PhDs?

Comments from current graduate students


  Questions about the program or website? Official PhD program website:

Charmaine Lising, M.A. (Graduate Advisor;

Akshay Nagarajan (Graduate Representative;

Quirine van Engen (Graduate Representative;