Global Learning

Many of our majors choose to study abroad during their time at UCSC, the most popular times being the fall quarter of their junior or senior year. Both the Cognitive Science and Psychology majors are flexible in accommodating study abroad plans, so take a look at the info below to see how you can explore the world (and get major credit too)!

Exploring UCSC Global Learning Options

Check out the Global Learning website to create a profile in the Global Learning Portal and start exploring available programs.

Completing Major Requirements Abroad

Major Course Review Process

Tips While Studying Abroad

UCSC Exchanges and UCEAP: Courses & Grades

A note from Amy about her time studying abroad!

"I must say that I did not realize what my UCEAP experience in Russia was worth until my return back to America.  Being a student in a place where the weather, language, cultural mentality, history, and even food is different from what I am used to, actually allowed me to learn beyond the books and texts that can seem routinely assigned.  I became more aware of just how much a person’s environment plays a role on their ability to be a student.  This is now a thought tool that I use as I continue my undergraduate education.  There is a greater ability to understand differing viewpoints, different reasonings, and respecting differences without judging.  This is essential for university students who aim to enhance critical thinking and awareness.  And just like anything that is worth having, my experience abroad did not come without its challenges.  Thankfully, that is where learning and personal growth often happens." - Amy, Cognitive Science Student