
Session One (Friday Morning April 27, 9:15 - 12:30)

Isabelle Charnavel (Harvard)

Do anaphors compete with anything?

Sandra Chung and Matthew Wagers (UCSC)

Competition among pronouns in Chamorro grammar and sentence processing

Jane Middleton (University College London)

Everyone left the room, except the logophor: *ABA patterns in pronominal morphology

Session Two (Friday Afternoon April 27, 2:00 - 4:45)

Shayne Sloggett (Northwestern)

Processing pressures and locality in English reflexive comprehension

Pranav Anand (UCSC)

Perspectives for pronouns and reflexives

Rodica Ivan (Amherst)

No condition B? Context-dependent surface-form preference!

Session Three (Saturday Morning April 28, 9:30 - 12:00)

Aya Meltzer-Asscher (Tel Aviv)

Resumption, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing?

Adam Milton Morgan, Titus von der Malsburg*, Victor S. Ferreira and Eva Wittenberg (UCSD and *Potsdam)

English resumptive pronouns hinder comprehension

James McCloskey (UCSC)

Observations and speculations concerning resumption (in Irish)

Session Four (Saturday Afternoon April 28, 2:00 - 5:00)

Sandhya Sundaresan (Leipzig)

Silent pro-forms in competition: tracing PRO and pro to a single source

Ivy Sichel (UCSC)

Demonstrative pronouns, appraisal, and competition

Ken Safir (Rutgers)

Eliminating the Competition