Information for Practitioners

We believe in the co-production of knowledge between academic scientists and practitioners in the service of conservation and restoration. Below are lab research topics with synthesized findings for applied application.

Our lab embraces the values and strategies promoted in Keys to enhancing the value of invasion ecology research for management (Funk et al. 2020, Biological Invasions).

If you are interested in learning more about how social science research can be used in on-the-ground conservation projects, check out our paper developed in collaboration with the staff of Island Conservation:

Sharifa G. Crandall, Jennifer L. Ohayon, Luz A. de Wit, J. E. Hammond, Kate L. Melanson, Monica M. Moritsch, Rob Davenport, Diana Ruiz, Bradford Keitt, Nick D. Holmes, Heath G. Packard, Jeffrey Bury, Gregory S. Gilbert, Ingrid M. Parker. 2018. Best practices: social research methods to inform biological conservation. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 25(1), pp.6-23.