
Latest Version v4.3 (06/09/2022)

The story begins in the year 2266.

The Gods have deemed Humanity once again beyond repentance. Society has been plagued with sin and the faults of old continue without end. They no longer answer prayers. Miracles no longer occur. Heaven has abandoned Mankind once and for all. With Earth in ruin, the Demons of Hell begin to consume our continents.

More than half of Earth is consumed by Hell, feasting off our Souls to satisfy a hunger that Heaven has denied them for so long. The Empire, through centuries of horrific war, has freed Humanity from the grasp of Hell. With Earth finally cleansed of all demonic presence, The Empire’s ambitions have moved from self-liberation to gross domination.

Centuries of war and billions of souls lost, all because Heaven turned its back on Man.

With those of whom we once worshiped selfishly gone, only one thing is certain now: They shall repent. Heaven, Hell, and everywhere between shall feel the collective wrath of Humanity.

The current year is 2421. We are at war, and Armageddon has been brought to Hell.