Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington DC


Professor of education emeritus at University of California, Santa Cruz


Click for Brookings experts webpage

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August, 2023, FreshEd podcast conversation with Will Brehm:
Will Brehm: "Today we dig into the ways in which governments in low- and middle-income countries make decisions on education. What interventions work and which should be scaled? My guest is Brad Olsen. As he shows, these questions are a lot more complex than we might think..."
The accompanying research report: Government Decisionmaking on Education in Low- and Middle-  Income Countries: Understanding the Fit among innovation, scaling strategy, and broader environment

August, 2023, Olsen, B. Keynote address: Teacher Learning and the Future of Teacher Education. Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) biennial conference. Budapest, Hungary.

View the video here: ATEE keynote Olsen

Recent ROSIE project blog posts & reports on education around the world:

"What is teacher agency and how can it improve education around the world?" 

“Three myths about teacher agency and why they hold back scaling education innovations” 

Government decisionmaking on education in low- and middle-income countries: Understanding the fit among innovation, scaling strategy, and broader environment 

Deepening education impact: Emerging lessons from 14 teams scaling innovations in low- and middle-income countries    

"How to improve government decisionmaking around edtech innovations" 

Most recent book: Teaching for Success (2016, 2nd ed.)

Olsen's book, Teaching for Success: Developing your Teacher Identity in Today's Classroom, 2nd edition (2016, Routledge Publishers) discuses the core concept of teacher identity. He proposes and provides a professional learning experience for prospective, new, and experienced educators on how to recognize, adjust, and maximize the many ways your personal self and professional self become integrated in your teaching work

Watch Brad Olsen's (2015) invited lecture delivered at University of California, Santa Cruz, on Considering Teaching as Its Own Complex Ecosystem:

Click here for video