Welcome to Zhu Lab at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation

The Zhu Group aims to narrow the gap between engineering and real-life medical needs. We focus on the problem first and work our way back to the solution. Zhu Group is a multidisciplinary team that bridges scientists, clinicians, and engineers. We work in close collaboration to tackle the problem and rapidly build prototypes. We also recognize that each individual is unique. The effort to diagnose, treat and prevent disease is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It requires precision and personalization. 

We explore various flexible bioelectronic devices for versatile biomedical applications, including diagnostics and therapeutics. Some examples of our devices are smart contact lenses and skin-interfaced electronics. We strive to develop the next generation of wearable theranostic platforms, which is boundless, ranging from digital healthcare to precision medicine.