Beyond the Classroom

Professional Development

Since my last portfolio, I completed the following trainings:

The following trainings are ongoing:

Academic Senate Department Representative

I was elected to be the Earth Science and Astronomy department's academic senate representative.  I attend bimonthly senate meetings and generate meeting reports to present at department meetings.

Academic Senate Academy at Mt.SAC

I attend monthly Academic Senate Academy meetings to learn more about 10+1, committees, task forces, the governance structure, and decision making on campus.  

Eclipse 2023

On October 14, I collaborated on an event celebrating the 2023 partial eclipse.  I offered extra credit for my students to volunteer and I sat in the Ask an Astronomer booth for the event.  

Movie Night in the Planetarium

I resurrected an old tradition of watching bad science movies with the students.  The plan is to host monthly bad science fiction movies in the planetarium, featuring Bad Science Bingo with extra credit and prizes.