ESTU 101


Welcome to ESTU 101

Hey Compton College scholars! I am Dr. David Chávez Méndez and I will be the instructor for our 16 week journey through Intro to Ethnic Studies.

This website is our syllabus. You will find all the important information on how this class works, the policies for the course, the expectations, how grading is done, and what is assigned each week. 

 How This Course Works

The Essentials

How to be Successful in this Course

Course Description

Compton College Class Description:

This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the historical, political, sociological, economic and cultural experiences of African American, Native American, Asian American and Latino/Latina Americans in the United States. Various theories and perspectives in the field of Ethnic Studies will be applied to better comprehend the effects of institutional racism, socio-economic and political discrimination on American ethnic and racial groups. Intersections of race and ethnicity as well as the importance of agency and self-determination social and racial justice will also be explored in the context of the past and present realities of these groups in addressing social inequities in the United States.

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Student Learning Outcomes

 How to Get Your Questions Answered

How to Get in Contact With Me

For general questions you can use the General Question Discussion board. This is open to anyone to answer and feel free to support your colleagues if you know the answer. I will also respond. 

For specific questions use the Canvas inbox to get in contact with each other. You can either check your messages in the Canvas system or set your notifications to your preferred method of contact. Please check your messages daily. During the week (M-F) I will check my Canvas Inbox. If you have a concern and send me a message, you can expect a response within 24hrs. I work hard to stay connected to you. The one thing I ask is for your patience. Anything can be worked out so do not panic. 

Please keep that in mind when submitting messages, please do the following:

Office Hours

Office hours in college and universities are an important space for students to speak directly with professors on a multitude of topics. For this class you can ask me about your grades, get assignments explained, get advice on how to reach your educational goals, receive mentoring for student success, or just a space to share how you are feeling and get connected with resources on campus. 

You can log into my weekly office hours here which will take place every Tuesday from 4-5pm on Zoom. If this time does not work for you I am happy to take specific requests for another time to meet that works for you. Just send me an email on Canvas and we can set it up. 

 How to Get Into Your Course

How to Sign Into the Course

To access our course you will sign into your MyCompton and then click on the Canvas box that look like the button below. You can also just click on the image below to take you to our course Canvas page:

How to Get Support With Canvas

If you have any issues getting into Canvas you can use the following button below to take you to Compton College's Canvas support page: